The increasing needs for electrical and electronic engineers in worldwide job markets need not be overemphasized. To keep pace with the advancement in electrical and electronic engineering and provide emphasis in fulfilling the needs, it is essential that efforts are made both in the public and private sectors to develop human resources in this particular field in Bangladesh.
The prime objective in establishing the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department under the Faculty of Science at the Manarat International University is to make a concerted effort towards achieving the goal to provide quality education of 4 years duration at the undergraduate level.
The courses in the undergraduate programs are designed to give students a rigorous and comprehensive academic training on both the fundamental and advanced aspects of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE). A student in EEE must not only have a sound basis in the fundamental of Engineering but also should be aware of socio-economic problems of the country. Therefore, courses in science, humanities, economics and management are also included in the curricula. The last two semesters will offer the students a number of alternatives to choose from and to specialize in a particular field. Theory and sessional work will be supplemented by Project/Thesis work, seminars and visits to relevant research and industrial organization.