Pharmacy Exam Result

10 April 2019

Pharmacy Exam Result Published

Pharmacy Exam Result of Fall Semester 2018 has been published

Office of the Controller of Examinations




The semester final results of FALL-2018 of Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm) have been published  today, April 10, 2019 as per Academic Calendar of MIU.

Students will find their respective results (online) through visiting

The MIU Authority reserves the right to correct/change the published result(s) if any correction is required. Students may contact the Office of the Controller of Examinations on or before April 24, 2019 through the Head of the Department of Pharmacy for any type of appeal.

The MIU authority has decided to withhold results of the students who have any dues with the university till Fall-2018. The concerned students are advised to clear up their dues as soon as possible.

Controller of Examinations